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Произведения основоположников марксизма-ленинизма*

* (Произведения К. Маркса и Ф. Энгельса даны по 2-му изданию Сочинений, произведения В. И. Ленина - по Полному собранию сочинений.)

1. Маркс К. Капитал. Т. 1 - Т. 23.

2. Маркс К. Торговля чинами. - Вести из Австралии. - Т. 11.

3. Маркс К. - Энгельсу, 27 августа 1852 г. - Т. 28.

4. Энгельс Ф. - Карлу Каутскому, 15 сентября 1889 г. - Т. 37.

5. Ленин В. И. В Австралии. - Т. 23.

6. Ленин В. И. Империализм, как высшая стадия капитализма. - Т. 27.

7. Ленин В. И. Разногласия в европейском рабочем движении. - Т. 20.

8. Ленин В. И. Тетради по империализму. - Т. 28.

Документы и материалы международного коммунистического и рабочего движения

9. XXV съезд КПСС. Стенографический отчет. Т. 3. М., 1976.

10. Документы международного Совещания коммунистических и рабочих партий в Москве-5-17 июня 1969 г. М., 1969.

Официальные издания и сборники документов

11. Доклад выездной миссии ООН 1959 г. на остров Науру. 14 октября 1959 г. Нью-Йорк, 1959.

12. Доклад выездной миссии ООН 1959 г. на подопечную территорию Новая Гвинея. 8 июня 1959 г. Нью-Йорк, 1959.

13. Доклад Совета по опеке за период с 7 августа 1959 по 30 июня 1960. Нью-Йорк, 1960.

14. Документы внешней политики СССР. Т. 17. М., 1971.

15. Официальные отчеты Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН. VIII сессия. 4-й комитет. Нью-Йорк, 1953.

16. Официальные отчеты Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН. IV сессия. 4-й комитет. Нью-Йорк, 1949.

17. Administration of Papua New Guinea. 1 July 1972-30 June 1973. Canberra.

18. Australia. Department of External Territories. Canberra, 1972.

19. Australia. Parliament. Parliamentary Debates. (Hansard). Senate and House of Representatives. Canberra, 1963. House of Representatives. 24-th Parliament. 1-st Session. 7.V. 1963.

20. Australia. Parliament. Parliamentary Debates. (Hansard). Senate and House of Representatives. Canberra, 1964. House of Representatives. 25-th Parliament. 1-st Session. 13.VIII.1964.

21. The Australian Encyclopaedia. Sydney, 1926.

22. Australian Labour Party. Platform, Constitution and Rules. Canberra, 1965.

23. Australian Labour Party. Platform, Constitution and Rules. Adelaide, 1971.

24. Australian Labour Party. Platform, Constitution and Rules. Barton 1975.

25. Australian Liberal Party. The Liberal Party of Australia Federal Platform. Canberra, 1974.

26. Australia's Aid to Developing Countries to 30 June 1966. Canberra 1966

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30. Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers 1936. Wash., 1953.

31. Great Britain. Parliament, Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. L., 1874-1944.

32. Nouveau recueil general de traites et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international (continuation du grad recueil de G. Fr. Dee Martens). Gottigue, 1884.

33. Official Records of Parliamentary Debates of South Australia. Adelaide, 1918.

34. Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia. Canberra, 1914-1977.

35. Proposals on Constitutional Principles and Explanatory Notes, Port Moresby, 1974.

36. Queensland Parliamentary Debates. Brisbane, 1891, 1894.

37. Report of the Trusteeship Council, 1.VII.1960-19.VII.1961. N. Y., 1961

38. Report of the Trusteeship Council, 27.VI. 1963-29.VI. 1964. N. Y., 1964.

39. Report on Administration of the Territory of Nauru for 1962-1963. N. Y., 1963.

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41. Report on New Guinea Submitted by the United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Nauru and New Guinea. T/1635. 28.V,1965. N. Y., 1965.

42. Select Documents in Australian History. Vol. 1, 2, Sydney, 1955.

43. Selected Policy Statements on Papua New Guinea. December 1972 - May 1973. Canberra, 1973.

44. Selected Policy Statements on Papua New Guinea. May - December 1973. Canberra, 1974.

45. Statement on the World Situation. 1.VI.1976. Canberra, 1976.

46. A Statistical Account of Australia and New Zealand 1903-1904. Sydney, 1905.

47. Territorv of New Guinea. Report for 1968-1969. Canberra, 1970. 47a. Territory of Papua. Report for 1968-1969. Canberra, 1970.


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51. Кемпбелл Э. Влияние Великой Октябрьской революции на рабочее движение в Австралии. М., 1957.

52. Кристман Ф. Австралия. Спб., 1871.

53. Крылов С. Б. История создания ООН. М., 1960.

54. Лебедев И. А. Внешняя политика Австралии. М., 1975.

55. Лебедев И. А. Экономика и политика Австралии после второй мировой войны. М., 1966.

56. Леруа Болье П. Колонизация новейших народов. СПб., 1877.

57. Леруа Болье П. Новые англосаксонские общества. СПб., 1898.

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59. Миклухо-Маклай Н. Н. Собрание сочинений. Т. 1-5. М., 1950-1954.

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65. Твен М. Собрание сочинений. М., 1961.

66. Agriculture in the Australian Economy. Sydney, 1967.

67. App1etоn M. They Came to New Zealand. L., 1958.

68. Arndt H. W. Australia and Japan: Trade Partners. Adelaide, 1965.

69. Arndt H. W. Australian Foreign Aid Policy. Adelaide, 1964.

70. Australia. A Social and Political History. Sydney, 1955.

71. Australia and Papua New Guinea. Sydney, 1971.

72. Australia in World Affairs. 1950-1955. Melbourne, 1957.

73. Australia in World Affairs. 1956-1960. Melbourne, 1963.

74. Australia, Japan and the Western Pacific Economical Relations. Canberra, 1976*.

75. The Australian Labour Movement. 1850-1907. Melbourne, 1965.

76. Australian Society. Melbourne, 1965.

77. Australia's Defence and Foreign Policy. Melbourne, 1965.

78. Ball W. M. Australia's Role in Asia. Melbourne, 1967.

79. Barnard M. A. History of Australia. Sydney, 1962.

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82. Вimba A. The History of the American Working Class. N. Y., 1934.

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87. Burns A. Fiji - HMSO. L., 1963.

88. Вu11in S. J. War Economy 1939-1942. Canberra, 1955.

89. Cameron R. Australia History and Horizons. L., 1971.

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93. Сasey R. G. The Conduct of Australian Foreign Policy. Brisbane, 1952.

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97. Соgh1an T. A., Ewing T. Y. The Progress of Australasia in the Nineteenth Century. L., 1903.

98. Crawford J. G. Australian Trade Policy. 1942-1966. Canberra, 1968.

99. Сrawford J. G., Оkita Saburo. Australia, Japan and Western Pacific Economical Relations. Canberra, 1976.

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102. Dale G. The Industrial History of Broken Hill. Sydney, 1918.

103. Dampier W. New Voyage Round the World. L., 1927.

104. Downer A. R. The Influence of Migration on Australian Foreign Policy. Sydney, 1960.

105. Dunbabin T. Slavers of the South Seas. Sydney, 1935.

106. Dunlop E., Pike W. Australia: Colony to Nation. Sydney, 1960.

107. Easterby H. T. The Queensland Sugar Industry.

108. The. Economics of Australian Industry. Melbourne, 1963.

109. Edgar D. Australia and her Northern Neighbours. Melbourne, 1962.

110. Essei B. Papua and New Guinea. Melbourne, 1961.

111. Esthus R. A. From Enmity to Alliance. United States- Australian Relations 1931-1941. Wash., 1964.

112. Ewa11 H. V. Australia in World Affairs. Sydney, 1946.

113. Fisher J. The Australians. L., 1968.

114. Fitzgerald J. The Rise of Australian Labour Party. Sydney, 1915.

115. Fitzpatrick B. The British Empire in Australia. An Economic History 1834-1939. Melbourne, 1941.

116. Fitzpatrick B. A Short History of the Australian Labour Movement. Melbourne, 1944.

117. German Colonization. L., 1920.

118. Gra11an С. Н. Introducing Australia. N. Y., 1947.

119. Gra11an С. Н. The Southwest Pacific to 1900. N. Y., 1963.

120. Hancock W. K. Australia. L., 1930.

121. Hancock W. K. Wealth of Colonies. Ox., 1950.

122. Harper N., Sissоns D. Australia and the United Nations. N. Y., 1959.

123. Hartwe11 R. Economic Development of Van Diemen's Land 1820-1850. Melbourne, 1954.

124. Hasluck P. The Government and the People. 1939-1941. Canberra, 1952.

125. Healey G. ALP. The Story of the Labour Party. Brisbane, 1955.

326. Holfeld. Geschichte des Deutschen Reiches. 1871-1926. Lpz., 1926.

127. Howard J., Соp1eу R. Australia and the Twentieth Century. Sydney, 1965.

128. Hughes H. The Australian Iron and Steel Industry. 1848-1926. Melbourne, 1964.

129. Japan and the Defence of Australia. Melbourne, 1935.

130. Jenks E. A. History of the Australasian Colonies. Cambridge, 1912.

131. The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages and Discovery: the Voyage of the Endeavour. Cambridge, 1955.

132. Joy W. The Birth of a Nation. Sydney, 1963.

133. Jоу W. The Explorers. L., 1964.

134. Jupp J. Australian Party Politics. Melbourne, 1968.

135. Коjima K. Japan and a Pacific Free Trade Area. L., 1971.

136. Kojima K. An Organization for Pacific Trade, Aid and Development: a Proposal, Australia - Japan Economic Relations Research Project. Canberra, 1976.

137. Labour's Policy. Melbourne, 1961.

138. Legge J. D. Australian Colonial Policy. Sydney, 1956.

139. Long G. To Benghazi. Australia in the War of 1939-1945. Vol. 1. Canberra, 1952.

140. Long G. The Final Campaigns. - Australia in the War of 1939-1945. Vol. 7. Canberra, 1963.

141. Looking at the Liberals. Melbourne, 1974.

142. Maiden H. E. The History of Local Government in New South Wales. Sydney, 1966.

143. Mander A. E. The Making of the Australians. Melbourne, 1958.

144. Masterman S. The Origins of International Rivalty in Samoa. 1845-1884. Stanford, 1934.

145. Melbourne A. C. Early Constitutional Development in Australia. St. Lucia, 1963.

146. Melville H. History of the Island of Van Diemen's Land 1824-1835, L" 1835.

147. Menzies R. The British Commonwealth of Nations in International Affairs. Adelaide, 1950.

148. Millar Т. В. Australia's Defence. Melbourne, 1965.

149. Miller J. D. Australia and Foreign Policy. L., 1965.

150. Mi11er J. D. The EEC and Australia. L., 1976.

151. Monkton A. W. Some Experiences of a New Guinea Resident Magistrate. Harmondsworth, 1936.

152. Mоrre11 N. P. Britain in the Pacific Islands. L., 1960.

153. Morrison J. This War Against Japan. L., 1943.

154. Murphy W. History of the Eight-hours Movement. Melbourne, 1896.

155. New Guinea and Australia. Canberra, 1958.

156. Nicholson R. S. The Son of the Savage. L., 1924.

157. Oliver D. L. The Pacific Islands. Cambridge, 1958.

158. Pacific Orbit. Australian- American Relations Since 1942. Melbourne, 1968.

159. Pacific Trade and Development. Tokyo, 1968.

160. Palmer E, MacLeod J. The First Hundred Years of Australian History. Melbourne, 1954.

161. Parkes H. Fifty Years in Making of Australian History. L., 1892.

162. Pike D. Australia. The Quiet Continent. Cambridge, 1966.

163. Pike D. Paradise of Dissent. South Australia. 1829-1857. Melbourne, 1957,

164. Portus I. V. Australia: An Economic Interpretation. Sydney, 1933.

165. Rawsоn D. W. Australia Votes. Melbourne, 1961.

166. Rawson D. W. Labor in Vain? A Survey of the Australian Labour Party. Craydon, 1966.

167. Reese T. R. Australia in the Twentieth Century. A Short Political Guide. L., 1964.

168. Reeves W. State Experiments in Australia and New Zealand. L., 1923.

169. Rоw eу С. D. The Australians in German New Guinea. 1914-1921. Melbourne, 1958.

170. Serle G. The Golden Age. A History of the Colony of Victoria. 1851-1861. Melbourne, 1963.

171. Shann E. An Economic History of Australia. Cambridge, 1938.

172. Sharky L. L. An Outline History of the Australian Communist Party. Svdney 1944.

173. Shaw А., Вruns G. R. The Australian Cool Industry. Melbourne, 1947.

174. Shaw A., Niko1sоn H. Australia in the Twentieth Century. Sydney, 1966.

175. Shepher J. Australia's Interests and Policies in the Far East. N. Y., 1940.

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177. Stephen D. A. History of Political Parties in Papua New Guinea. Melbourne, 1972.

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179. Strauss W. P. Americans in Polynesia. 1783-1942. Eeast Lassing, 1963.

180. Sutclif fe J. T. A History of Trade Unionism in Australia. N. Y., 1967.

181. Toussaint Ch. E. The Trusteeship System of the United Nations. L., 1956.

182. Trade Strategy and Japan's Economic Cooperation. L., 1970.

183. Turner J. Industrial Labour and Politics. The Dynamics of the Labour Movement in Eastern Australia. 1900-1921. Canberra, 1965.

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186. Ward J. M. Empire in the Antipodes. The British in Australia. 1840-1860. L., 1966.

187. Watt A. The Evolution of Australian Foreign Policy. 1938-1965. Cambridge, 1967.

188. What do Political Parties Want for Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby, 1972.

189. Whi11am E. G. Australian Foreign Policy 1963. Armidale, 1963.

190. Williams Ch. The Pacific Community: A Modest Proposal, Australia-Japan Economic Relations Research Paper. Canberra, 1977.

191. Wilson R. Capital Imports in Terms of Trade. L., 1931.

192. Windett N. Australia as Producer and Trader. 1920-1932. L., 1933.

193. Wise B. R., The Commonwealth of Australia. L., 1913.

194. Wise B. R. The Making of the Australian Commonwealth. 1889-1900. L., 1913.

195. Wood P. L. W. Official History of New Zealand in the Second World War. 1939-1945. Wellington, 1958.

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197. Yоx W. The Explorers. L., 1964.


198. "Вопросы истории КПСС".

199. "Исторический архив".

200. "Australian External Territories".

201. "Australian Neighbours".

202. "Australian Outlook".

203. "Current Notes on International Affairs".

204. "Far Eastern Economic Review".

205. "Foreign Affairs".

206. "Historical Records of Australia".

207. "New Guinea".

208. "The New South Wales Countryman".

209. "Pacific Affairs".

210. "Pacific Islands Monthly".

211. "Royal Australian Historical Society. Journal of Proceedings"

212. "South Pacific".


213. "Правда".

214. "The Age".

215. "The Australian".

216. "The Australian Financial Review"

217. "The Canberra Times".

218. "Daily Telegraph".

219. "The Financial Times".

220. "Herald".

221. "National Times".

222. "New South Wales Industrial Gazette".

223. "The New York Times".

224. "Papua New Guinea Post Courier"

225. "Socialist".

226. "South Pacific Post".

227. "The Straits Times".

228. "The Sydney Morning Herald".

229. "United States News and World Report".

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