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Students' museum of archaeology Rostov-on-Don Teachers training institute

The Museum was opened in 1979. The museum belongs to the Historical Faculty and performs educational and scientific functions.

Historic artefacts are used for atheistic upbringing, for cultivating patriotism.

The Council of the Museum and its active members do various kinds of work.

Much attention is paid to historical studies, vocational training and vocational guidance among school pupils of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region.

The Museum cooperates with the Research Archaeological laboratory of the Institute (headed by V. Kopylov) which restores, registeres and transfers the artefacts to the Museum. The Museum has ties with the Don Academy of young researchers, its archaeological section (the City Pioneers' Palace).

The Museum also cooperates with the State Museum of the city and the region, the University archaeological laboratory. They help the Museum in organizing thematic ehxibitions and with educational aids.

Scientific conferences can be held in the museum, joint exibi-tions are organized with the Rostov Region State Museum.

The exposition of the museum presents:

tools, pottery, glass, weaponry, objects of everyday life, pieces of art. The exposition gives a vivid idea about cultural, social and economic life of the Don population since ancient times till the Middle Ages.

The Sections of the museum include:

The Stone Ages (the paleolithic, mesolithic, and neolithic Ages); The Bronze Age; The Early Iron Age; The Greek colonization of No-thern Part of the Black Sea Region. The Don population in Middle Ages (IV-X centuries) (X-XVI centuries); the formation of the Don Cossacks.

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