Религия индейцев после конкисты
Beaver P. R. Church, state and the Américan indians. St. Louis, 1966.
Faron L. C. Hawks of the Sun. Mapu-che morality and its ritual atributes. Pittsburg, 1964.
Guiteras-Holmes С Perils of the soul. The world vew of Tzotzil indian. Glencoe, Illinois, 1961.
Hay A. R. The indians of South América and the gospel. Now York, 1928.
Mackay J. A. The other Spanish Christ. New York, 1930.
Madsen W. Christo-paganism. A study of mexican religious syncretism. New Orleans, 1957.
Monast J. L'univers religies des aymaras de Bolivie; observations recueil-lies dans les Cangas. CIDOC, México, 1966.
Paredes R. Mitos, supersticiones у supervivencias populares de Bolivia. La Paz, 1936.
Pierson D. Cruz das almas. Rio de Janeiro, 1966.
Soustelle G. Tequila: un village na-huatl du Mexique oriental. Paris, 1958.
Tax S. and others. Heritage of Conquest. Glencoe, Illinois, 1962.
Wagley Ch. The social and religious life of a Guatemalan village. Menasha, Wis., 1949.