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Никольский Н. М. Проблемы критики Библии в советской науке. — «Вестник древней истории». 1938. № 1, с. 30—44.

Albright W. F. The excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim. Pt. 2—3. London. 1938— 1943. (The Annual of American schools of Oriental research. Vol. 17).

Glueck N. Explorations in Eastern Palestine. Vol. 1—2. New Haven. 1939—1951. (The Annual of the American schools of Oriental research.

Glueck N. The other side of the Jordan. New Haven. 1940. XVII, 208 p., ill.

Marquet-Krause J. Les fouilles de Ay (Et-Tell). 1933—1935. La resurrection d'unegrandeeite biblique. Paris. 1949. 369 p. (Inst. francjais d'archeologie de Beyrouth. Bibliotheque archeologique et historique. T. 45).

Obermann J. The archaic inscriptions from Lachish. Baltimore. 1938. 48 p.

Rowe A. The four Canaanite temples of Beth-Shan. Philadelphia. 1940. XIII, 101 p., pi., maps. (Publ. of the Palestine section of the Museum of the Univ. of Pennsylvania. Vol. 2).

Rowe A. Topographie and history of Beth-Shan. Philadelphia. 1930. XXII, 62 p. (Publ. of the Palestine section of the Museum of the Univ. of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1).

Tell en Nasbeh. Excavated under the direction of the late William Frederic Bade. Vol. 1—2. Berkeley—New Haven. 1947.

Weill R. La cite de David. Compte-rendu des fouilles executees, a Jerusalem sur le site de la ville primitive. Campagne de 1923—1924. T. 1—2. Paris. 1947. (Inst. frangais d'archeologie de Beyrouth. Bibliotheque archeologique et historique. T. 44). Bibliogr., p. 1—6.

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